Warped and Faded: Weird Wednesday and the Birth of the American Genre Film Archive

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Warped and Faded: Weird Wednesday and the Birth of the American Genre Film Archive

Beitrag von jogiwan »

Warped and Faded: Weird Wednesday and the Birth of the American Genre Film Archive

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Autor: Lars Nilsen u.a.

Sprache: Englisch

Softcover / 416 Seiten

Verlag: Mondo

Erscheidungsdatum: November 2021


At the dawn of this century, a scrappy one-screen theater in Austin, Texas became ground zero for a revolution in film exhibition. That cinema, the Alamo Drafthouse, took the seemingly foolhardy step of offering free screenings of exploitation and horror movies that had quite literally been consigned to the scrap heap. The idea began in the sleep-deprived mind of its co-founder, Tim League, as he piloted a grotesquely overloaded rental truck home to Texas, with hundreds of otherwise unwanted film prints in the back, an expense he could ill-afford. Why not, he thought, offer a screening series at the theater that would allow everyone to discover these movies simultaneously, as they unfolded on screen in all their speckled, splicey glory? And why not make it free?

From that fevered notion, a legend was born: the series, Weird Wednesday, continues to this day. The film archive that was born from that initial axle-warping payload is now called the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA) and it has preserved, restored and distributed hundreds of films that might otherwise have been thrown into an abandoned mine or pushed off a barge into international waters.

Profusely illustrated with poster art, advertising mats and rare stills from the films, WARPED & FADED features contributions from Weird Wednesday Hall-of-Famer Gary Kent and genre champions Tim Lucas, Stephen Thrower, Pete Tombs, Maitland McDonagh, Kat Ellinger, Chris Poggiali, Robin Bougie, Mike Malloy, Bryan Connolly, Heidi Honeycutt, Rodney Perkins, Zack Carlson, Kier-La Janisse and more.

quelle: https://mondoshop.com/products/warped-a ... lm-archive
it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

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Registriert: Do 15. Apr 2010, 21:31
Wohnort: Bremen

Re: Warped and Faded: Weird Wednesday and the Birth of the American Genre Film Archive

Beitrag von Arkadin »

Lustig. In Stuttgart gibt es auch eine Filmreihe namens "Weird Wednesday". Das war mir schon vor einiger Zeit aufgrund der Namensähnlichkeit zu "Weird Xperience" aufgefallen. Letzteres übrigens eine 100% Eigenkreation. :)
Früher war mehr Lametta
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Weird Xperience