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Re: Mario Bava: all the colors of the dark - Tim Lucas

Verfasst: Do 20. Jan 2011, 20:15
von buxtebrawler
dr. freudstein hat geschrieben::o :shock:
aha, und der Inhalt ist hier wie immer nicht entscheidend????
also wie bei den hier geposteten Filmen :idea:
:D :mrgreen: :thup:

Re: Mario Bava: all the colors of the dark - Tim Lucas

Verfasst: Sa 29. Jan 2011, 21:27
von Mad
Das Buch habe ich mir damals zum Vorbesteller-Preis geordert, das müssten 190 Dollar gewesen sein. Komplett gelesen habe ich es noch nicht, aber immerhin mal kurz in einige Kapitel "reingeschnuppert". Und was Tim Lucas da zusammengetragen hat, ist echt der Wahnsinn. Beste Biografie ever :thup:

Re: Mario Bava: all the colors of the dark - Tim Lucas

Verfasst: Mo 16. Feb 2015, 09:00
von jogiwan
Die Auflage nun ausverkauft und wird in dieser Form laut Tim Lucas auch nicht mehr nachgedruckt. Die digitale Ausgabe wird aber für alle Interessierten auch weiterhin verfügbar sein.
hat geschrieben: Sorry, but - as of early this morning - our supply of MARIO BAVA ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK is now completely SOLD OUT. On this sentimental occasion, we would like to thank, once again, our original Patrons for their early support which enabled us to undertake the heavy cost of publishing such a mammoth work ourselves in the pre-Kickstarter year of 2007 - and everyone who has bought, enjoyed and endorsed the book over the years, or sent us photos or postcards commemorating their acquisition. In the 25+ year history of VIDEO WATCHDOG, the Bava book was our greatest success.

In answer to a common question, we have no plan to reprint the book - something that would be cost-prohibitive to us now. It is possible that a revised text edition will appear someday, either from us or perhaps another publisher, but it will not be the same artifact. Some text would have to be added, some text would be removed, but the wonder of the book's original layout would likely not be undertaken again. That original, panoramic experience is now obtainable only via our fully-augmented Digital Edition, available for $29.99 from our website, and viewable on all devices.