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hat geschrieben:
Film director John Carpenter (Halloween, Escape From New York, The Thing) has announced plans to release his debut album, Lost Themes. While Carpenter is best known for his filmmaking, he has also scored most of his films, creating iconic themes and an iconic soundtrack style along the way.
Angekündigt ist das Album für 5. Februar 2015 und auf Soundcloud gibts schon die erste Hörprobe
hat geschrieben:
John Carpenter is best known as a Hollywood film director whose work includes classics such as Halloween, Escape From New York and Big Trouble In Little China. What is perhaps less well known is that he also composed and performed the soundtracks to all those films himself, and to a small but devout following Carpenter is now venerated as much for his music as for his movies. As the title suggests, this is the first time Carpenter has released his compositions without the customary moving images to accompany them. The result is a collection of powerful and emotive pieces, produced in collaboration with his son Cody and godson Daniel Davies, which utilise piano, guitar, drums and Carpenter’s trademark synths to conjure the soundtrack to a unique movie which will only ever be seen in the imagination of the listener, but is no less affecting for it.