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Bluttheater - Derek Savage (1979)

Verfasst: Mi 7. Okt 2015, 06:16
von sergio petroni


Originaltitel: The Meateater

Alternativtitel: Blood Theatre, Der Menschenfleischesser

Herstellungsland-/jahr: USA 1979

Regie: Derek Savage

Darsteller: Arch Joboulian, Dianne Davis, Peter M. Spitze, Emily Spindler, Gary Dean, ...

Story: Eine Familie kauft ein altes Kino, um es wieder in Schwung zu bringen. Niemand ahnt, dass ein psychopathischer Killer darin haust. Der Mann, krankhaft auf den Filmstar Jean Harlow fixiert, hat bereits mehrere Morde auf dem Gewissen. In der Tochter des neuen Kinobesitzers glaubt er, seine geliebte Jean gefunden zu haben....

Re: Bluttheater - Derek Savage (1979)

Verfasst: Mi 7. Okt 2015, 06:20
von sergio petroni
Folgenden Text gibt's bei zu lesen:

I directed this. Really!
Derek Savage isn't my real name. Do you honestly think I would put my real name on this? It was a total giggle. Caldwell (who stupidly used his real name) and I knew exactly what we were doing. We set out to make an incredibly bad film, one I can't believe people have actually and recently seen and are even seriously writing about it. Some have even loved it!? Amazing! I don't even own a copy, but after reading some of the comments I now wish I did. Yes, the acting is bad. We tried to find the worst actors imaginable who would work for fifty bucks a day. The actor who played Mitford (I don't know where I came up with that name) was so nervous his knees literally shaked when he acted. We had to start plying him with Valium to calm him down. I find it hard to believe that some of these actors actually got another job.

A brief history on me. Went to UCLA film school in the mid 70s. Made my first feature at 24 for my thesis. Got discovered. Got married. 26 film festivals. Thought I had it made. Then nothing. This came up. The producer owned a theater in Monrovia, Ca. and wanted to set a movie there. I thought, why not? It was job, writing and directing. Think I made 300 bucks for both. A few years later I made one of my real films under my real name. Won the Grand Prize at Sundance. Had two more of my films shown at the festival in later years.

I'm still writing and directing. Currently as I write this in Aug '08 I start directing a TV movie the day after Labor Day. I came up with the name Derek Savage because I thought it sounded French, but the crew called me Derek Sausage.

If anybody has a copy of the new art work with the fork, let me know at my e mail address.

I gave myself a ten but I don't really deserve that.

Derek Savage

P.S. Reading some other comments I feel the need to say that this film was not a cover for porno being shot in the basement. I wish, it would have made the environment even more of a goof than it already was. Again, I'm just blown over that people have actually seen this. Somebody is making $ but it ain't me, babe. Not that I would want to use my real name to go and try to collect. I hope that the hapless producer who threw his money into this got something back. But, knowing this business, I doubt it. And I can promise the writer who hoped there wouldn't be a sequel that there definitely won't be one - unless I'm offered a truck load of money. Then I might do it under my real name. I am now worried that some sick mind I messed up is going to track me down. Hopefully they will show up with a pen for an autograph and not a knife to slit my throat and then gut me.

Re: Bluttheater - Derek Savage (1979)

Verfasst: Mi 7. Okt 2015, 14:55
von FarfallaInsanguinata
Mh, ich weiß ja nicht, inwieweit man diese Auslassungen des angeblichen Regisseurs ernst nehmen und glauben kann. Wenn das Vorhaben aber tatsächlich gewesen sein sollte, absichtlich den schlechtmöglichsten Horrorfilm zu fabrizieren, ging's leider daneben.
Das Ding kommt recht lahm daher, sein geringes Budget merkt man ihm an jeder Ecke an, vernünftige Specialeffects gibt's folglich auch keine. Aber trotzdem ist der Film eher belanglos mit leicht morbider Atmosphäre, jedoch absolut anschaubar - für einen gewollt schlechten Film viel zu gut und besser als so manch anderer, der von seinen Machern tatsächlich ernst gemeint war.
Hat den noch jemand außer mir gesehen?

Re: Bluttheater - Derek Savage (1979)

Verfasst: Mi 7. Okt 2015, 16:55
von sergio petroni
Inzwischen auch bei uns auf DVD erhältlich, allerdings in mieser Qualität:

Re: Bluttheater - Derek Savage (1979)

Verfasst: Fr 9. Okt 2015, 06:22
von sergio petroni
Irgendwann vor Urzeiten besaß ich einmal die NTSC-Kassette dieses Streifens.
Die oben abgebildete deutsche DVD bietet "Bluttheater" in kaum besserer Bild- und
Der im Original "The Meateater" genannte Film zeigt gleich zu Beginn eine
Ekelszene, als die titelgebende Figur herzhaft eine Maus verspeist. Danach
bekommt man eine abgefahrene Version von "Phantom der Oper" zu sehen,
die darstellerisch und dramaturgisch sehr bescheiden daherkommt.
Dennoch werten einige wenige atmosphärische Szenen im zumeist
leerstehenden Kino sowie der immer wieder durchdringende pubertär-sexistsch
angehauchte "Humor" das Werk etwas auf.
Sehr obskur!

Re: Bluttheater - Derek Savage (1979)

Verfasst: Fr 11. Dez 2020, 15:59
von buxtebrawler
Erscheint voraussichtlich heute bei WMM noch einmal auf DVD im Mediabook:


* 20-seitiges Booklet von Christoph N. Kellerbach "Charmante Schocker und grausame Grusler" - Horror-Perlen abseits des Mainstreams
* Trailershow
* Bonus-DVD mit weiterem Horror-Film

Limitiert auf 111 Stück.

Quelle: ... vid=107039