Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer
- Mo 11. Mär 2019, 23:11
- Forum: Poliziesco
- Thema: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 998
Re: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.
Thanks, guys! Haven't been on here in a long while, as I really didn't have anything of interest to report. But today, a new video of mine went up, and it's an actor -- Marc Mazza -- who made Eurocrime, Eurospy and Spaghetti Western films. And even if it's not an actor you're familiar with, hopefull...
- Mi 19. Sep 2018, 23:19
- Forum: Poliziesco
- Thema: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 998
EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.
Tag! "Onkel Joe" encouraged me to join this forum, aber meine Deutschesprache ist sehr slecht. Zwei jähre Deutschesprache im Gymnasium, und ein semester im Universität. Anyway, I directed the documentary EUROCRIME! THE ITALIAN COP UND GANGSTER FILMS THAT RULED THE '70s, which now, finally,...