Originaltitel: Whirlpool
Alternativtitel: She died with her boots on, Flash Light
Herstellungsland-/jahr: DEN 1970
Regie: José Ramón Larraz
Darsteller: Karl Lanchbury, Vivian Neves, Pia Andersson, Johanna Hegger, Andrew Grant, Edwin Brown,
Ernest C. Jennings, Larry Dann, Sibyla Grey, Lisbet Lundquist,...
Story: Theo is a strange young man living with his “aunt”--actually a middle-aged woman who years earlier took him in off the streets--in a secluded house in the midst of a forest. He’s a compulsive photographer, and this inspires Julia, an ambitious young model, to stay at their place. But Theo has quite a few ugly habits Julia doesn’t know about, which become painfully evident over the next few days…
(quelle: fright.com)
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