Property is no longer a theft - Elio Petri (1973)

Alles aus Italien, was nicht in die anderen Themenbereiche gehört.

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sergio petroni
Beiträge: 8366
Registriert: Sa 2. Feb 2013, 20:31
Wohnort: im Schwarzen Wald

Property is no longer a theft - Elio Petri (1973)

Beitrag von sergio petroni »



Originaltitel: La Proprietà non è più un furto

Alternativtitel: La Propriété, c'est plus le vol

Herstellungsland-/jahr: ITA/FRA 1973

Regie: Elio Petri

Darsteller: Flavio Bucci, Ettore Garofolo, Luigi Antonio Guerra, Julien Guiomar, Jacques Herlin,
Gino Milli, Daria Nicolodi, Orazio Orlando, Cecilia Polizzi, Ada Pometti, Gigi Proietti,
Salvo Randone, ...

Story: During a wild bank robbery that involves the screen’s most startling use of surprise security dogs, a teller named Total (Bucci) has an epiphany as he watches one of the culprits being stopped and beaten by one of the bank customers, an unnamed butcher and property owner (Tognazzi). Property Is No Longer a TheftAllergic to the Property Is No Longer a Theftvery touch of cash, Total realizes his current lifestyle and occupation aren’t fulfilling at all as he observes unscrupulous, backstabbing people around him enjoying the high life without earning it. Total decides that the best thing to do would be a form of social terrorism, removing everything these people care about to realign their world view. The butcher receives the brunt of the Total’s little experiment, which also encompasses the butcher’s girlfriend, the overheated Anita (Nicolodi).
DrDjangoMD hat geschrieben:„Wohl steht das Haus gezimmert und gefügt, doch ach – es wankt der Grund auf dem wir bauten.“