EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.

Action, Crime, harte Cops, Gangster & Mafia

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EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.

Beitrag von MikeMalloy »


"Onkel Joe" encouraged me to join this forum, aber meine Deutschesprache ist sehr slecht. Zwei jähre Deutschesprache im Gymnasium, und ein semester im Universität.

Anyway, I directed the documentary EUROCRIME! THE ITALIAN COP UND GANGSTER FILMS THAT RULED THE '70s, which now, finally, has a release auf Deutschland durch Koch Media.

I was also a co-originator of the official DJANGO sequel, DJANGO LIVES, for Franco Nero. The project now rests in the hands of a German company, the personal production company owned by Christian Alvart.

In any case, ich habe hours und hours of EUROCRIME interview outtakes that I've been meaning to put on YouTube. But I've just been pulled in too many directions to do it as any big concerted effort.

But I'd love if anyone interested would subscribe to my YT channel...

...and I'll trickle new outtakes on there as I can. If I see a big demand for them, that will help me find the energy to do it!

Thanks for keeping Euro-cult cinema alive, everyone. And thanks again to Onkel Joe for the invitation to join...
Onkel Joe
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Re: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.

Beitrag von Onkel Joe »

Hey Mike, great to see you here :thup:.
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Re: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.

Beitrag von buxtebrawler »

Welcome on board, Mike, and thank you for your input and your work!
Onkel Joe hat geschrieben:Die Sicht des Bux muss man verstehen lernen denn dann braucht man einfach viel weniger Maaloxan.
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Re: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.

Beitrag von Lobbykiller »

Welcome Mike! A long awaited release. ;)
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Re: EUROCRIME! (2012) und auch ... other works.

Beitrag von MikeMalloy »

Thanks, guys!

Haven't been on here in a long while, as I really didn't have anything of interest to report. But today, a new video of mine went up, and it's an actor -- Marc Mazza -- who made Eurocrime, Eurospy and Spaghetti Western films.

And even if it's not an actor you're familiar with, hopefully it still creates the idea of what it was like to be a character actor in 1960s/1970s Euro-cult movies, just following the trends and hoping for a break.

Hope you guys dig!
