Confessions of a Teenage Peanut Butter Freak - Jerry Abrams / Zachary Strong (1975)

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Dick Cockboner
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Confessions of a Teenage Peanut Butter Freak - Jerry Abrams / Zachary Strong (1975)

Beitrag von Dick Cockboner »

Regie: Jerry Abrams, Zachary Strong
Drehbuch: Zachary Strong, Jerry Abrams
Darsteller: Zachary Strong, Helen Madigan, John Holmes

Billy (Zachary Strong) is a rather weird young man who doesn't have a very good way with women. Several women want him but he just can't ever finish the deal. He goes home with one woman and before long he's telling her about his peanut butter fixation and how it tied into some of his weird sexual stories. (Quelle IMDb)