Robotrix - Jamie Luk (1991)

Moderator: jogiwan

Dick Cockboner
Beiträge: 3248
Registriert: Sa 30. Mai 2015, 18:30
Wohnort: Downtown Uranus

Robotrix - Jamie Luk (1991)

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Regie: Jamie Luk

Drehbuch: Jamie Luk, Man Sing So

Darsteller: Amy Yip, Chikako Aoyama, David Wu
Robotrix (Chinese 女机械人 pinyin: nǚ jīxièrén "Woman Robot") is a 1991 Hong Kong science fiction exploitation film directed by Jamie Luk Kin-ming and produced by the Golden Harvest Company. Bill Lui, the winner of the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards (Best Art Direction), is the Art Director of this film. It features Taiwanese-American actor David Wu, Japanese actress Chikako Aoyama , kung fu expert Billy Chow, Hui Hsiao-dan, and the voluptuous soft-porn star Amy Yip. The plot concerns a female police officer who is gunned down, only to have her mind transferred into a cyborg clone. The idea of mind uploading as well as some cult elements inside the film make Robotrix become a science fiction film classic in Hong Kong.

This erotic R-rated thriller is notable for a Hong Kong film on general release in featuring frequent female full-frontal nudity, and is particularly notable for a scene of brief full-frontal male nudity (of Hong Kong Chinese actor Chung Lin, playing the robot version of Japanese scientist Ryuichi Yamamoto), as it is perhaps the first time in Hong Kong cinema that a Chinese adult male's private parts have been fully revealed on camera in a film for general release. It was also perhaps notable for leading the way in Hong Kong category 3 martial arts films. Cast member Vincent Lyn said of the film, "Now that was one wild shoot. The cast and crew were all over the place and you were lucky to find out what you were doing before the cameras rolled. I spent more time laughing on the set than anything else."
Dick Cockboner
Beiträge: 3248
Registriert: Sa 30. Mai 2015, 18:30
Wohnort: Downtown Uranus

Re: Robotrix - Jamie Luk (1991)

Beitrag von Dick Cockboner »

Ich kenne diesen Film seid über 30 Jahren, damals zum ersten mal gesehen habe ich die HK-VHS mit ohne UT, war toll... :pfeif: :kicher:
Der Film ist ein fröhlicher & dabei recht exploitativer Mix aus Action, Sex & Polizeikram mit Sci-Fi-Appendix :thup: :thup: :thup: + typisch asiatischem Humor :palm:
Dramatische Elemente sind rar, der Spaß am Blödsinn überwiegt und gerne lasse ich mal an dieser Stelle den Begriff "Genre-Klassiker" stehen.
Faktisch nur unterfüttert durch meine sehr subjektiv gefärbte Meinung.
Eine Empfehlung für generell aufgeschlossen Interessierte! :prost:
Dick Cockboner
Beiträge: 3248
Registriert: Sa 30. Mai 2015, 18:30
Wohnort: Downtown Uranus

Re: Robotrix - Jamie Luk (1991)

Beitrag von Dick Cockboner »

Falls jemand die deutsche DVD zum günstigen Preis angeboten bekommt: zuschlagen!
Allen anderen kann ich die BD von 88-Films empfehlen.