Alternativtitel: The blood virgin
Herstellungsland-/jahr: GB/BEL 1974
Regie: José Ramón Larraz
Darsteller: Mike Grady, Lorna Heilbron, Raymond Huntley, Marie-Paul Mailleaux, Nancy Nevinson,
Ronald O'Neil, Angela Pleasence, Peter Vaughan, ...
Story: Helen Ramsey (Angela Pleasance) arrives back from Switzerland to her family home, a large old-fashioned country house, accompanied by a friend, Ann West (Lorna Heilbron). It quickly becomes clear that Helen suffers from a nervous disposition, and she mentions having spent time convalescing. Helens hearing is very sharp, and she burns paper doll chains on the fire to calm her nerves. It becomes apparent that she had earlier been living in the house with another friend, Cora, but she isnt keen to talk about her. There is an odd-job man who lives in the grounds of the house called Brady (Peter Vaughan), and its clear that Helen has an intense dislike of him. At night both Helen and Ann hear voices in the house. Ann goes to investigate and climbs the steps to the attic...
(quelle: horrorexpress.com)