Album-Tipp: Waldeck - Gran Paradiso

Moderator: jogiwan

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Registriert: So 13. Dez 2009, 10:19
Wohnort: graz / austria

Album-Tipp: Waldeck - Gran Paradiso

Beitrag von jogiwan »

Auch vielleicht für den ein- oder anderen Downbeat-/Easy-Listening-Electronica-Freund hier interessant:


Waldeck - Gran Paradiso (Dope Noir/DONO31) hat geschrieben: It has been quite some time that Viennese downbeat and swing icon Klaus Waldeck – reknown for his landmark „Ballroom Stories“ (2007) – has put us on hold. Now the waiting game is over:
Waldecks new full length album „Gran Paradiso“ will be released this summer on Vienna based Dope Noir Records.

The anticipation is high and Waldeck raises the stakes by adding one more surprise: Italian is the language that Waldeck has chosen for our delight. He has found us a new sparkling and sensual voice, the Viennese Singer „la Heidi“. Waldeck himself likes to label Gran Paradiso as a "Spaghetti & Western" production:

„Gran Paradiso is a hommage to the legendary Sound of Italo-Western Movies shot in the famous Cinecittà, – it also dwells on those sentimental moods of the famous italian canzone reflecting the time when the style of post-war italy became fashionable all over the world - but always keeps the ironic distance.“

„Italian... this language is pure music. 100%“

The overall sound of the album clearly is earmarked by Waldecks unique signature sound. The odd tango, dub und reggae elements round off this light hearted summer album, that you may want to listen to even in autumns or winter to warm up your spirit.

Serenata Part II
Una Promessa
Rio Grande
Get On Uppa
Señorita Rodeo
Brahms Lonely Mariachi
Western Saloon - Cartoon
Una Volta...
Rock & Rollee
Bello Ciao
Serenata Part III ... er/1040506


auch nice:

it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

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Onkel Joe
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Registriert: Sa 28. Nov 2009, 08:40

Re: Album-Tipp: Waldeck - Gran Paradiso

Beitrag von Onkel Joe »

Toller Tipp, danke!
Wer tanzen will, muss die Musik bezahlen!