Tagline: The Filipino revolution that even Marcos couldn't crush!
Regie: Mark Hartley
Produktionsland: Australien (2010)
Genre: Dokumentation
Darsteller: diverse
Diese Dokumentation liefert detaillierte Einblicke in das philippinische Exploitation-Filmgeschäft der 70er und 80er Jahre. Zu Wort kommen ehemalige Darsteller, Regisseure und Produzenten genauso wie entsprechende Rezipienten jenseits des Pazifiks, u.a. Roger Corman, Joe Dante und John Landis. Regie führte Mark Hartley, der zuvor die Doku Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! Drehte, die den australischen Exploitationfilm durchleuchtete
Hier die Website zur Doku mit Hintergrundinfos und Trailer (ein sehr starker und vielversprechender Trailer!):
Kurzinfo (via
Karate-kickin' midgets! Paper-mâché monsters! Busty babes with blades! Filipino genre films of the '70s and '80s had it all.
Boasting cheap labour, exotic scenery and non-existent health and safety regulations, the Philippines was a dreamland for exploitation filmmakers whose renegade productions were soon engulfing drive-in screens around the globe like a tidal schlock-wave!
At last, the all-too-often overlooked world of drive-in filler from Manila gets the Mark Hartley (NOT QUITE HOLLYWOOD) treatment in Machete Maidens Unleashed!. This is the ultimate insiders' account of a faraway backlot where stunt men came cheap, plot was obsolete and the make-up guy was packin' heat!
Machete Maidens Unleashed! features interviews with cult movie icons Roger Corman, Joe Dante, John Landis, Sid Haig, Eddie Romero and a large assembly of cast, crew and critics, each with a jaw-dropping story to tell about filmmaking with no budget, no scruples, no boundaries and - more often than not - no clothes.