Giallo, Horror, Poliziesco, Arthouse oder Drama - RaroVideo USA veröffentlicht mit schöner Regelmäßigkeit vernachlässigte oder unterschlagene Genrefilme aus dem Bereich Eurokult.
Dabei sind die Veröffentlichungen von RaroVideo den deutschen Veröffentlichungen gegenüber in Qualität und Umfang meist deutlich überlegen.
Oftmals handelt es sich sogar um exklusive DVD- / Blu-ray-Erstveröffentlichungen - wie zum Beispiel dem Release von Giorgio Ferronis "The Night of the Devils", dem man sogar deutsche Untertitel spendierte.
Mehr als genug Gründe also, um Label-Mitbegründer Stefano Curti folgende Fragen zu stellen:
How would you introduce your company in your own words?
Stefano Curti:
A project based upon two main points:
1. the abolition of any boundaries between any film genres. Good cinema, that’s all;
2. try to bring works to people’s attention that somehow did not receive the deserved visibility/credit.
What kind is your connection to Raro Video Italy of?
Stefano Curti:
I started the project in 1999 back in Italy and now I’m trying to bring it to the USA. I still have a supervising role on the Italian project but I'm more focused on this new project.
Which qualities must a movie have to be released by you?
Stefano Curti:
A stylistic strong individuality/singularity.
After which criteria do you choose your rather different movies for release?
Stefano Curti:
Quality, individuality, and a need to be rediscovered and/or discovered.
Which movie would you absolutely prefer to release?
Stefano Curti:
Too many to mention... sorry!
Why are you distributing your goods on your own via your website?
Stefano Curti:
It gives us extra space for maneuvering, we can abolish some extra distribution fees and consequently we can work with more particular material and less commercial pressure. And also we like the direct contact with our public. This strategy is adopted only on certain specific publications.
What do you think about negative market forecasts for the future?
Stefano Curti:
It means we have to work harder and be smarter. Always following what the people want and technological developments with great flexibility and a very open mind.
How difficult are license negotiations with different holders of rights?
Stefano Curti:
It depends on the title; could be quite easy or very difficult.
Did planned releases ever collapse because of these?
Stefano Curti:
Yes, many.
What is your opinion about the licensing law in general?
Stefano Curti:
I think it is ok, although it is a constant working progress considering that digital fruition of images and the capacity of bypassing territories license.
As for your recent release of "The Night of the Devils":
How difficult was it to get hold of a 35mm-print?
Stefano Curti:
Very difficult.
How much time did you have to invest for the restoration and which was the biggest problem / challenge?
Stefano Curti:
Approximately one month. It was not too much of a difficult task. By now we have a certain experience in restoration and we work with a team of people that care. We don’t let the machine decide for us, we are very dogmatic and strict, we do supervise every step of the process and do a true ”restoration” without modifying anything of the original material / format, just to make it look good. This would be something else.
How was the feedback for the “The Night of the Devils” screening at The Film Society at The Lincoln Center in October 2012?
Stefano Curti:
Very good.
Why did you decide to include German subtitles to the „The Night of the Devils“ release?
Stefano Curti:
Because we realized that it is a cult title in Germany and we wanted to give something special to the German public.
Germany owns a rather big, loyal Euro-Cult fan base – can we expect further releases with German subtitles in the future?
Stefano Curti:
Have there been additional persons you wanted to get for the special features, but who were not available or denied?
Stefano Curti:
We would have loved to have the possibility of interviewing the director. However, he is not alive anymore.
Last but not least:
What can we expect for the future?
Stefano Curti:
The continuity in bringing a much diversified bunch of titles with quality and originality in common. From classic to cult to horror, B-movies. Labels don’t mean much to us, it is the quality content and the singularity of the works that matter to us... the attention to details, to the underestimated and to new rising talents... so we are always open for suggestions.
deliria-italiano.de likes to say "mille grazie" to Stefano Curti.