Ben Cobb - Anarchy & Alchemy - The Films of A. Jodorowsky

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Moderator: jogiwan

Beiträge: 39731
Registriert: So 13. Dez 2009, 10:19
Wohnort: graz / austria

Ben Cobb - Anarchy & Alchemy - The Films of A. Jodorowsky

Beitrag von jogiwan »

Anarchy & Alchemy - The Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky


Autor: Ben Cobb
Verlag: Creation Book
Paperback / 284 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Erscheinungsdatum: August 2007


n 1968 his scandalous debut, Fando & Lis, caused a riot in Mexico, forcing the Chilean-born director into exile in France. The following year, his ultra-violent underground smash hit El Topo inagurated the Midnight Movie phenomenon, transforming its creator into a counter-culture icon championed by John Lennon and, latterly, Marilyn Manson. Anarchy and Alchemy features • Exclusive interviews • Rare images • Exhaustive chapters on all Jodorowsky’s films including the mesmerising cine-trip The Holy Mountain, the award-winning Oedipal circus show Santa Sangre • The aborted Dune project with Salvador Dali, Pink Floyd and H R Giger • Texts on Jodorowsky’s 60s terror-theatre outfit The Panic Movement • His world mime tour with Marcel Marceau • His graphic novel collaborations with Moebius

it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

» Es gibt 1 weitere(n) Treffer aus dem Hardcore-Bereich (Weitere Informationen)
Beiträge: 39731
Registriert: So 13. Dez 2009, 10:19
Wohnort: graz / austria

Re: Ben Cobb - Anarchy & Alchemy - The Films of A. Jodorowsky

Beitrag von jogiwan »

hat zufällig jemand dieses Buch am Start?
it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

» Es gibt 1 weitere(n) Treffer aus dem Hardcore-Bereich (Weitere Informationen)