Danny Shipka - Perverse Titillation

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Danny Shipka - Perverse Titillation

Beitrag von jogiwan »

Perverse Titillation: The Exploitation Cinema of Italy, Spain and France, 1960-1980


Autor: Danny Shipka
Verlag: McFarland
Format: Paperback / 346 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch


The exploitation film industry of Italy, Spain and France during the height of its popularity from 1960 to 1980 is the focus of this entertaining history. With subject matter running the gamut from Italian zombies to Spanish werewolves to French lesbian vampires, the shocking and profoundly entertaining motion pictures of the "Eurocult" genre are discussed from the standpoint of the films and the filmmakers, including such internationally celebrated auteurs as Mario Bava, Jess Franco, Jean Rollin and Paul Naschy. The Eurocult phenomenon is also examined in relation to the influences that European culture and environment have had on the world of exploitation cinema. The author's insight and expertise contribute to a greater understanding of what made these films special--and why they have remained so popular to later generations.

(quelle: amazon.com)
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Re: Danny Shipka - Perverse Titillation

Beitrag von Arkadin »

Klingt interessant. Hast du darüber schon mal Meinungen gehört oder das Buch selber im Besitz?
McFarland. Hmmmm... sicherlich teuer.
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