Italian Gothic Horror Films (1970-1979) R. Curti

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Onkel Joe
Forum Admin
Beiträge: 18282
Registriert: Sa 28. Nov 2009, 08:40

Italian Gothic Horror Films (1970-1979) R. Curti

Beitrag von Onkel Joe »


"Italian Gothic horror films of the 1970s were influenced by the violent giallo movies and adults-only comics of the era, resulting in a graphic approach to the genre. Stories often featured over-the-top violence and nudity and pushed the limits of what could be shown on the screen. The decade marked the return of specialist directors like Mario Bava, Riccardo Freda and Antonio Margheriti, and the emergence of new talents such as Pupi Avati (The House with the Laughing Windows) and Francesco Barilli (The Perfume of the Lady in Black). The author examines the Italian Gothic horror of the period, providing previously unpublished details and production data taken from official papers, original scripts and interviews with filmmakers, scriptwriters and actors. Entries include complete cast and crew lists, plot summaries, production history and analysis. An appendix covers Italian made-for-TV films and mini-series."
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Onkel Joe
Forum Admin
Beiträge: 18282
Registriert: Sa 28. Nov 2009, 08:40

Re: Italian Gothic Horror Films (1970-1979) R. Curti

Beitrag von Onkel Joe »



Roberto und ich gestern auf dem Terza Visione.
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