Italian Horror

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Moderator: jogiwan

Beiträge: 5634
Registriert: Do 26. Nov 2009, 16:48

Italian Horror

Beitrag von Santini »


Film writer Jim Harper provides an a-z guide on the increasingly popular Italian horror film. This book is intended to cover Italian horror films released between the years 1979 and 1994.

Why chose those years? Well, primarily for convenience. They mark the release dates of Lucio Fulci's Zombie, the film that instigated the last great wave of Italian horror, and Michele Soavi's Dellamorte dellamore, the last great Italian horror film. After the release of Soavi's film, relatively few new Italian horror movies were made; the trend had run its course, and such films were no longer seen as commercially viable.

The aim of this work is to guide the unfamiliar viewer to the best films of the period while hopefully steering him or her away from the dross.

Includes such titles as Zombie, Hitcher in the Dark, Aenigma, Amazonia, The Black Cat, Cannibal Holocaust, The Church by filmmakers that include: Lamberto Bava, Luigi Cozzi, Fabrizio De Angelis, Ruggero Deodato, Giuseppe Ferrante and Lucio Fulci.
dr. freudstein
Beiträge: 14486
Registriert: Sa 19. Dez 2009, 19:55

Re: Italian Horror

Beitrag von dr. freudstein »

Leihe ich mir mal aus und Du gib mir das DAWN OF THE DEAD Buch wieder :basi: