Das kleine Büchlein der Superlative:
Übersichtliche 1128 Hochglanz-Seiten
handliche 5,45 kg
Herausgeber: Video Watchdog/Tim Lucas
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Mehr Bava geht nicht - echt nicht!
- Introduction by Martin Scorsese!
- Foreword by Italian Horror Pioneer Riccardo Freda!
- The Complete Story of Mario Bava's life and careers as director, cameraman and special effects artist
- Interviews with more than 100 actors, co-workers, friends and family members
- The Definitive Study of each of his films: production histories, cast biographies, critical analysis, and video
- Never-before Published Photos including the only color shots taken on the set of BLACK SUNDAY
- Original Mario Bava Storyboards - including the boards for the unfilmed project BABY KONG
- Original Mario Bava Artwork - Some in Full Color!
- Bava's Secret Filmography: His uncredited works as director, cameraman and special effects artist
- Complete Videography and Discography
- Eugenio Bava (Mario's father) Filmography
Mehr Infos siehe hier: http://www.videowatchdog.com/home/home.html
Der dazugehörige Blog zur turbulenten Entstehung mit Bilder zufriedener Konsumenten: http://bavabook.blogspot.com/
Nur der Preis ist leider wenig taschengeldfreundlich.... und es gibt auch keinen Mario-Bava-Starschnitt!