Verlag: Fabpress
Zusammengestellt von Nicolas Winding Refn / Texte: Alan Jones
Hardcover / 324 Seiten
ISBN: 978-1-903254-79-0
Cover-Preis: 60 Pfund/100 US-$
VÖ-Datum: 28 August 2015
Quelle und Bestellmöglichkeit: http://www.fabpress.com/books/nwr-act-of-seeing.htmlfabpress hat geschrieben: Vintage American Movie Posters Through the Eyes of a Fearless Dreamer
For the first time Nicolas Winding Refn, writer, producer and director of the PUSHER films, BRONSON, VALHALLA RISING, DRIVE, ONLY GOD FORGIVES and THE NEON DEMON, trawls through his unique collection of rare American film posters to unfold ways the viewer validates and actualises the presentation of key images into their own personal reality.
From the vintage visuals of SPIKED HEELS AND BLACK NYLONS, OBSCENE HOUSE and ALICE IN ACIDLAND to THE TWISTED SEX, TORTURE ME KISS ME and ZERO IN AND SCREAM – to name just a few of the tantalizing film titles showcased – the controversial Danish icon constructs a whole new way of looking at the key artwork and shameless hyperbole thought up in the back alley gutters of the exploitation industry.
Now the celebrated filmmaker makes complicit voyeurs of us all by editing his exceptional collection of little-seen and vivid front-of-house displays into an extraordinary creation to match the observation sensations explored in his own pioneering screen work.
Comprehensive historical context is provided by author Alan Jones for each poster, and every production detail has been meticulously overseen by Winding Refn himself - this book encapsulates everything he knows about eyewitness confrontation on a heart-felt journey into the art and act of seeing.
With a cover art concept by Jay Shaw of renowned contemporary movie poster design company Mondo, this lavish quarter bound volume has unprecedented production values including silk covered boards and a cloth bound gold embossed slipcase.
Weighing it at just under 4KG (approximately 8 pounds), and measuring 345mm x 315mm (approximately 14 inches x 12 inches) including the slipcase, we have had to source custom made mailing boxes to handle its dispatch. This is by far the most imposing book ever published by FAB Press.
Nicolas Winding Refn: The Act of Seeing is the first book from the new NWR imprint of FAB Press, a collaboration with cinema’s most exciting contemporary talent, Nicolas Winding Refn. It is Nicolas’s wish to produce books that focus on iconic rebels in the entertainment industry, presenting to the world high-end art books of the finest possible quality.