Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the ... - Stephen Thrower

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Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the ... - Stephen Thrower

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Stephen Thrower - Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the Exploitation Independents


Autor: Stephen Thrower
Hardcover / Taschenbuch: 528 Seiten
Verlag: Fab Press
Sprache: Englisch


'One of the most fascinating and important film books in recent memory'
- Film Comment

A kaleidoscopic journey through the heyday of Horror and Exploitation Cinema in America!

From Quentin Tarantino (Kill Bill) to Eli Roth (Hostel), the young guns of modern Hollywood just can't get enough of that exploitation film high. That's because, between 1970 and 1985, American Exploitation movies went berserk. With censorship relaxed, and the gate to excess wide open, horror - the Exploitation genre par excellence - offered a vibrant alternative to the mainstream of American cinema. Luridly titled wonders like The Headless Eyes, Scream Bloody Murder and Hitch Hike to Hell were everywhere, from the drive-ins of Texas to the grindhouses of New York, touting a combination of mind-bruising violence, weird sex and drug-soaked delirium. Massively popular around the world, American exploitation movies added immensely to the richness of the nation's cinema, but they have remained persona non grata in most serious studies of American film. Until now...

Built on five years of research, Nightmare USA explores the development of America's subterranean horror film industry, spotlighting some of the wildest films imaginable from an era unchecked by censorship or 'good taste.' Ranging from cult favourites like I Drink Your Blood to stylish mind-benders like Messiah of Evil and ultra-violent shockers like Don't Go in the House, Nightmare USA goes where no other in-depth study has gone before, revealing the fascinating true stories behind classics and obscurities alike. Stephen Thrower, author of Beyond Terror, the definitive book on Italian gore maestro Lucio Fulci, has explored the attics and cellars of American cinema, delved beneath the floorboards, peered between the walls, searching for the strangest, most exotic cine-lifeforms... Nightmare USA is the reader's guide to what lies beyond the mainstream of American horror, dispelling the shadows to meet the men and women behind fifteen years of screen terror: the Exploitation Independents!

This massive overview of the Horror genre's development through the 1970s and 1980s features:

In-depth EXCLUSIVE interviews with twenty-five grindhouse movie makers, many of whom are discussing their work for the first time ever in print, including David Durston (I Drink Your Blood), Robert Endelson (Fight for Your Life), Frederick Friedel (Axe), Don Jones (Schoolgirls in Chains); and Joseph Ellison (Don't Go in the House).
Over 175 individual films reviewed, with full cast and crew credits compiled by world-renowned cinema archivist Julian Grainger.
Vast quantities of previously unpublished stills, posters, press-books, plus behind-the-scenes photographs from the filmmakers' own collections.


Section One: The Exploitation Independents
A 25,000 word essay charting the rise of Exploitation Horror: from Herschell Gordon Lewis and George Romero to the Slasher phenomenon of the 1980s

Section Two: Essays on Films and Filmmakers
Dirty Games in Hollywood - the career of James Bryan (Don't Go in the Woods)
The Frozen Scream Is a Clean Machine - Renee Harmon (Frozen Scream)
The Fiend from Prime-Time - John Peyser on The Centerfold Girls
Carolina on My Mind - the films of Frederick Friedel (Axe, Kidnapped Coed)
It Came from New Jersey! - Douglas McKeown on The Deadly Spawn
Let's Play Nasty - the films of Don Jones (Schoolgirls in Chains, The Love Butcher, The Forest)
Louisiana Screamin' - James L. Wilson on Screams of a Winter Night
Satan Was an Acid-Head! - the films of David Durston (I Drink Your Blood, Stigma)
Don't Make Me Do Anything Bad, Mother... - Joseph Ellison on Dont Go in the House
If You Go Down in the Caves Today - Mark Sawicki on The Strangeness
The Vigilante of 42nd Street - Robert Endelson on Fight for Your Life
The Living Dead at the All-Night Mall - Willard Huyck on Messiah of Evil
Hollywood After Dark - the films of John Hayes (Grave of the Vampire, Dream No Evil, Garden of the Dead)
What Really Happened to Tony Vorno's Victims? - Daniel DiSomma on Victims
If At First You Don't Succeed... - the films of Tony Malanowski (Night of Horror, Curse of the Screaming Dead)
Punished By the Sun - Marc B. Ray on Scream Bloody Murder
Growing Pains - John Ballard on Friday the 13th: The Orphan
Blood Relations - the films of Irv & Wayne Berwick (Hitch Hike to Hell, Microwave Massacre)
Mind Before Matter - Robert Allen Schnitzer on The Premonition
Spawn of Venice Beach - Stephen Traxler on Slithis
Beyond the Black Room - the films of Norman Thaddeus Vane (The Black Room, The Horror Star)
Robert Voskanian & Robert Dadashian - Raising The Child
Who's the Ghostest with the Mostest? - the films of Fredric Hobbs (Alabama's Ghost, Godmonster of Indian Flats)
To Sleep, Perchance to Scream - George Barry on Death Bed: The Bed That Eats
--- supplemented in the text by a further twenty interviews with cast and crew members.

Section Three: Reviews
Reviews of a further 120 films, with additional notes and commentaries on the reviews by Roger Watkins (director: Last House on Dead End Street), Walter Dallenbach (writer: Psychopath), Jeremy Hoenack (director: The Dark Ride), Christopher Speeth (director: Malatesta's Carnival of Blood), John Wintergate (director: BoardingHouse), Wayne Bell (composer: Death Trap), Michael Gornick (cinematographer: Martin), Don Leifert (star: Fiend)

The Author/Editor

Stephen Thrower is a musician and writer, author of Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci, and editor of The Eyeball Compendium, both published by FAB Press. He has also written about horror and 'off-mainstream' cinema in the following books: Shock Xpress Vol.1 (ed. Stefan Jaworzyn), The BFI Companion to Horror (ed. Kim Newman), Art of Darkness: the Cinema of Dario Argento (ed. Chris Gallant), Flesh & Blood Compendium (ed. Harvey Fenton), Ten Years of Terror (ed. Harvey Fenton & David Flint); Horror - A Century of Cinema on the Dark Side (ed. James Marriott), and No Focus (eds. Barber & Sargeant)

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Wohnort: graz / austria

Re: Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the ... - Stephen Thrower

Beitrag von jogiwan »

Gute Nachrichten: Die bereits zu absolut horrenden Preisen gehandelte Hardcover-Ausgabe wird im August 2014 nochmals aufgelegt! Über die Stückzahl ist nichts bekannt, aber wer diese umfassende Abhandlung über amerikanische Exploitation-Kinokultur noch nicht sein eigen nennt, sollte schleunigst zugreifen!
it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

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Re: Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the ... - Stephen Thrower

Beitrag von purgatorio »

jogiwan hat geschrieben:Die bereits zu absolut horrenden Preisen gehandelte Hardcover-Ausgabe
EUR 332,22 neu (2 Angebote)
EUR 324,47 gebraucht (3 Angebote)
:o un-fass-bar!!! Da lohnt ja eine Neuauflage sehr! Ist also zu empfehlen das Buch, ja?
Im Prinzip funktioniere ich wie ein Gremlin:
- nicht nach Mitternacht füttern
- kein Wasser
- kein Sonnenlicht
Beiträge: 39731
Registriert: So 13. Dez 2009, 10:19
Wohnort: graz / austria

Re: Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the ... - Stephen Thrower

Beitrag von jogiwan »

Ja, sehr schönes Buch über alle unsere amerikanischen Lieblingsfilme und falls dich der Inhalt tatsächlich nicht interessieren sollte, kannst du immer noch unliebsame Zeitgenossen damit erschlagen! ;)
it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

» Es gibt 1 weitere(n) Treffer aus dem Hardcore-Bereich (Weitere Informationen)
Nello Pazzafini
Beiträge: 4713
Registriert: Di 16. Feb 2010, 18:50
Wohnort: Roma

Re: Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the ... - Stephen Thrower

Beitrag von Nello Pazzafini »

Stephen Thrower schreibt nicht nur gut sondern hat auch Geschmack. Das Nightmare USA ist top recherchiert und sowas von voll mit Infos, ich habe monate dafür gebraucht. Freu mich schon auf den 2ten Teil der da kommen soll.....
unbedingt kaufen und lesen, das ist ein must have für jeden bücherschrank von Filmfreaks!

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