Terence Fisher: Master of Gothic Cinema - Tony Dalton

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Terence Fisher: Master of Gothic Cinema - Tony Dalton

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Terence Fisher: Master of Gothic Cinema:
The Authorised Biography by Tony Dalton

TerenceFisher-FrontCover.jpg (297.34 KiB) 667 mal betrachtet
Autor: Tony Dalton
Verlag: FabPress
Hardcover: 504 Seiten / 490 Illustrationen
Sprache: Englisch
Erscheinungsdatum: voraussichtlich Juni 2021


From The Curse of Frankenstein to The Horror of Dracula, The Mummy to The Curse of the Werewolf, and The Phantom of the Opera to The Devil Rides Out, Terence Fisher is best known for his now classic Gothic horror films, which he began making (he claimed by accident) in the late 1950s. But before he directed those now cult pictures, he had a very long, outstanding and distinguished career in film, first as a clapper boy, then as an assistant editor and then as an editor. He gained a reputation for swift and sympathetic editing and then high regard as a director of inexpensive productions that exposed him to all types of genres including thrillers, mysteries, comedy, fantasy, romance and action. In those early films he honed his skills so that when Hammer offered him The Curse of Frankenstein he was ready to indelibly stamp his unique talents on a genre that had been popular with audiences since the 1920s and continues, in large part because of Terry and Hammer, to be so vital and influential today.

This epic book is the result of five years of research and writing. TERENCE FISHER: Master of Gothic Cinema runs to more than 500 pages, over 200,000 words and close to 500 photos! (quelle: FabPress)
it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

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