The Cult Films of Marilyn Jess - GrandGuillot/Le Disez/Valor

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The Cult Films of Marilyn Jess - GrandGuillot/Le Disez/Valor

Beitrag von jogiwan »

The Cult Films of Marilyn Jess

MJ-Book-Square.jpg (45.9 KiB) 527 mal betrachtet
Herausgeber: Cedric GrandGuillot / Guillaume Le Disez / Christian Valor
Hardcover / 304 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Verlag: Pulse Video

Erscheinungdatum: Jänner / 2023


Marilyn Jess is the other icon of French erotism. This new book is the first one ever dedicated to the movie career of our beloved “Patinette” (her nickname), from her debuts to the erotic masterpieces directed by Gérard Kikoïne, Claude Mulot or Jean Rollin. The book also takes a look at the US, italian and german productions she starred in, her collaboration to cult satirical magazine Hara Kiri and her photo novels, and we will investigate extensively the story of the movie she made with Traci Lords, Traci I Love you (1986). 304 pages of stories, anecdotes, firsthand accounts and many rare and unpublished pictures, and a complete filmography, as well as original pieces of art from illustrators and painters. A big and beautiful book with 276 color pages, 10.35 x 11.5 inches in size, hardcover with soft touch finish. (quelle: ... -preorder/)
it´s fun to stay at the YMCA!!!

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Re: The Cult Films of Marilyn Jess - GrandGuillot/Le Disez/Valor

Beitrag von CamperVan.Helsing »

Da kam kürzlich folgende Nachricht aus Frankreich:

Dear Friends

We are happy to invite you to the first exhibition ever dedicated to Marilyn Jess !

From May 8th to July 3rd at the Concorde Art Gallery in Paris, dive into our cult actress epic journey in an exhibition that we designed as the continuation of our book, with its share of surprises.

You will be able to discover and to acquire stunning photos, all limited and signed, original art, posters, and archive documents.

The grand opening will take place on Friday May 12th at 7:PM, in the presence of our beloved Patinette, and you are all welcome. The exhibition is open from Monday to Saturday from 11:AM to 8:PM, and the entrance is free.

Concorde Art Gallery

179 Bd Lefebvre

75015 Paris

Accès au 1er étage / Access by the 1rst floor

Métro Porte de Vanves

Tramway Brançion

We also wanted that you could offer yourself a private tour of the exhibition with Marilyn Jess as your particular guide. She will welcome you and comment you all the parts, sharing with you the most memorable moments of her incredible career.

You can check on of the private tour hours available on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays up to July 3rd.The price of the visit is 15€ per people, and the duration is around 1 hour. Of course, you will able to ask Marilyn to sign your book (it will be available there) and to take you in picture with her. ... rilynjess/

We hope to see you many for this exhibition, which is the first we set up… and certainly not the last. We give you an appointment in ten days from now to unveil our brand new project with our other legend, Brigitte Lahaie.

Cédric, Christian & Guillaume

My conscience is clear

(Fred Olen Ray)