THE WALKING DEAD Chronicles: The Official Companion Book

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THE WALKING DEAD Chronicles: The Official Companion Book

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THE WALKING DEAD Chronicles: The Official Companion Book


Titel: THE WALKING DEAD Chronicles
Autor: Paul Ruditis

Taschenbuch: 208 Seiten
Verlag: Abrams (1. November 2011)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1419701193
ISBN-13: 978-1419701191
"The Walking Dead Chronicles: The Official Companion Book" is the only authorized, behind-the-scenes guide to season one of the new American television series, "The Walking Dead", which tells the story of a sheriff's deputy leading a band of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead. The show, in its first year as an hour-long television drama broadcast in the U.S. by AMC, immediately captivated and terrified audiences worldwide, successfully translating the characters and storylines from the "New York Times" bestselling comic book to a new audience. "The Walking Dead Chronicles" is lavishly illustrated with never-before-seen sketches, unit photography, storyboards, set designs, makeup and visual effects shots, and page-to-screen comparisons of the comic and TV show. Featuring new interviews with series creator Robert Kirkman and executive producer Frank Darabont, as well as cast and crew, the book also includes sidebars that serve as a detailed episode guide to season one, reproducing trivia, backstories, character sheets from the show's 'bible', and hinting at what comes next for the comic and the television show, revealing new directions for the second season and beyond.
(via amazon)
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Beiträge: 15642
Registriert: Mo 25. Apr 2011, 19:35
Wohnort: Dresden

Re: THE WALKING DEAD Chronicles: The Official Companion Book

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THE WALKING DEAD CHRONICLES ist das offizielle Kompendium zur ersten Staffel der AMC-Serie THE WALKING DEAD (Vgl.: ... ing%20dead). Das Ding hatte ich gestern im Briefkasten und war von der Größe überrascht. Auf etwas mehr als 200 Seiten bekommt man die geballte Ladung Infos zu jedem noch so kleinen Detail geboten. Begonnen bei Anleihen und Comicvergleichen über Set- und Maskendesign bis hin zur Episodenbesprechung und musikalischen Ausrichtung ist alles dabei. Extrem detailliert und umfangreich! So man sich tiefer ins Serienkonzept einlesen will (was man - zugegeben - nicht unbedingt muss ;) ) kommt man an diesem Buch nicht vorbei 8-)
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