von Graham Marsh und Tony Nourmand

Titel: X-Rated: Adult Movie Posters of the 60s and 70s
Autoren: Graham Marsh und Tony Nourmand
Gebundene Ausgabe: 160 Seiten
Verlag: Snoeck-Ducaji & Zoon; Auflage: illustrated edition (April 2004)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9053494332
ISBN-13: 978-9053494332
via amazon.comSex sells! It's no secret that since moving pictures were invented, distributors and theater owners realized that nothing really promotes a movie better than blatantly sexual advertising. X-rated adult movies reached their peak in the 1960s and 70s, with films like Debbie Does Dallas and Deep Throat. While some films were hard-core and left nothing to the imagination, most enjoyed the art of innuendo, which is to say, you couldn't tell whether the participants who were getting it on were faking it--or doing it for real. Even though most of the adult movies of the 60s and 70s have faded into cinematic history--and their stars have retired into elderly care homes for the well-endowed (giving new meaning to the term "nursing home")--what remains, as a lasting legacy, are the posters. If the poster art in this book evokes those far-off days of suspender belts, stockings, and eye-popping, gravity-defying brassieres, not to mention outsize Y-fronts, then that alone is worth the cover price. It's practically cheaper than a movie these days, anyway.