Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine

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Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine

Beitrag von purgatorio »

Xerox Ferox
The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine
von John Szpunar
Titel: Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine
Autor: John Szpunar
Paperback: 500 pages
Publisher: Headpress (September 14, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1909394106
ISBN-13: 978-1909394100
From Famous Monsters of Filmland to Fangoria… and everything in between, Xerox Ferox is much more than a book about monster magazines. It is the first book of its kind to examine the home-grown DIY fanzines that dared to dig deeper than the slick and shiny newsstand mags ever would... or indeed even could. The titles were as lurid as the films that they covered. Gore Gazette. Deep Red. Sleazoid Express. Before message boards, before blogs, before the Internet itself, the fanzine reigned as the chief source of news and information for horror fans worldwide. Often printed on the cheap and sold for the price of postage, madcap mags like Slimetime, The Splatter Times, and Subhuman traveled the globe, creating a thriving network of fans and professionals alike. Xerox Ferox traces the rise of the horror film fanzine, from the Famous Monster-starved kids of the 1960s to the splatter-crazed gorehounds of the Fangoria generation. Featuring in-depth interviews with over fifty writers, editors, and industry pros, Xerox Ferox is the final word on an era that changed the world of fandom forever… Xerox Ferox is the first title to cover the horror film fanzine phenomenon and culture in encyclopedic depth. The book also contains lengthy chapters that deal with the New York zine scene and the hub of its grindhouse activity, Times Square. In many ways, the book works as time capsule of that era-writers and filmmakers including Jimmy McDonough, Bill Landis, Mike McPadden, Steve Puchalski, Roy Frumkes, and Buddy Giovinazzo share their memories of the movie houses of Forty Second Street-and the dangers that were encountered while visiting them. Not limited to New York City, Xerox Ferox also concentrates on the drive-in theaters of the south. Other topics discussed include commercial Super-8 horror films of the 1960s and 1970s, the home video revolution of the 1980s, regional exploitation films, low budget filmmaking, and of course, self publishing, networking, and distribution.
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Registriert: Mo 25. Apr 2011, 19:35
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Re: Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine

Beitrag von purgatorio »

Das Mitte September erscheinende Buch XEROX FEROX über Fanzines dürfte wohl für einige hier ein Pflichtkauf werden, oder :?
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Onkel Joe
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Re: Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine

Beitrag von Onkel Joe »

Verleger: Wie heißen Sie??

Autor: Szpunar

Verleger: Gesundheit!

Ähm ja, ne also das Buch ist bestimmt ganz interessant, mal sehen was die ersten so erzählen wenn sie es gelesen habe ;). Vielleicht werden wir ja auch alle vom Virus: John SZPUNAR´s (Gesundheit :lol:) infiziert.
Wer tanzen will, muss die Musik bezahlen!
Beiträge: 15642
Registriert: Mo 25. Apr 2011, 19:35
Wohnort: Dresden

Re: Xerox Ferox: The Wild World of the Horror Film Fanzine

Beitrag von purgatorio »

uhhh, der kam flach :lol: :palm: :lol:
Herr John SZPUNAR hatte es bestimmt nicht leicht in der Schule :? ich aber auch nicht :(
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