Die Suche ergab 32 Treffer
- Mo 1. Feb 2021, 12:25
- Forum: Film allgemein
- Thema: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
- Antworten: 21
- Zugriffe: 5162
Re: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
The film has English and French subtitles. The bonus interview has English subtitles only.
- Mo 1. Feb 2021, 12:06
- Forum: Film allgemein
- Thema: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
- Antworten: 21
- Zugriffe: 5162
Re: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
https://i.ibb.co/FgzPwMN/tiro-dvd.jpg Pigeon Shoot (1961) by Giuliano Montaldo, a long-unavailable classic war movie, recently restored and screened at Venice 2019 . The film chronicles the last days of the Mussolini's Republic of Salò, as seen through the eyes of a young fascist soldier. This appr...
- So 13. Jan 2019, 14:22
- Forum: Film allgemein
- Thema: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
- Antworten: 21
- Zugriffe: 5162
Re: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
http://www.pennyvideo.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/domani.jpg Domani si balla! (Tomorrow We Dance, 1982) by Maurizio Nichetti This forgotten film is a sci-fi comedy that predates Cocoon (1985): some aliens are spreading dancing fever on the Earth, throught a strange hypnotic music. Two unlikely TV...
- Do 10. Mai 2018, 10:17
- Forum: Film allgemein
- Thema: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
- Antworten: 21
- Zugriffe: 5162
Re: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
http://www.pennyvideo.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/s-l1600.png Senza lasciare traccia (Leaving No Trace, 2016) The film is a disturbing noir on a terminally ill man who looks for revenge against the men who abused him as a child. Shot on 16mm and loaded with cinephile references (Altman, Fulci, Av...
- Di 10. Nov 2015, 14:08
- Forum: Film allgemein
- Thema: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
- Antworten: 21
- Zugriffe: 5162
Re: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
La vita provvisoria (Provisional Life, 1963), an omnibus film about incommunicability, mass murders, bureaucracy, celluloid dreams, neo-fascism, transgender, space flights and much more... http://journeys-italy.blogspot.it/2015/11/la-vita-provvisoria-provisional-life.html http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-...
- Do 8. Jan 2015, 10:11
- Forum: Film allgemein
- Thema: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
- Antworten: 21
- Zugriffe: 5162
Re: English-friendly DVDs - Blog
We have just started an English version of our Adriano Aprà blog.
The first entry discusses one of Giuseppe De Santis' best films, Under the Olive Tree: http://www.adrianoapra.it/?p=726

The first entry discusses one of Giuseppe De Santis' best films, Under the Olive Tree: http://www.adrianoapra.it/?p=726

- Di 16. Dez 2014, 12:20
- Forum: Italowestern
- Thema: Für eine Handvoll Dollar - Sergio Leone (1964)
- Antworten: 29
- Zugriffe: 8837
Re: Für eine Handvoll Dollar - Sergio Leone (1964)
Before and after the new 2014 restoration :shock: Cineteca Nazionale / Ripley's Film 2007 restoration Entfernt, da beim Bildhoster TinyPic leider nicht mehr verfügbar. Cineteca di Bologna 2014 restoration (look at the two guys on the right!) Entfernt, da beim Bildhoster TinyPic leider nicht mehr ver...
- Fr 5. Dez 2014, 15:10
- Forum: Italowestern
- Thema: Töte, Django - Giulio Questi (1967)
- Antworten: 50
- Zugriffe: 26904
Re: Töte, Django - Giulio Questi
Giulio Questi died tuesday night. RIP.
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]
- So 9. Nov 2014, 22:51
- Forum: Trash, Nunploitation, Sleaze, Agenten und Superhelden, Diverse
- Thema: Titanus. Family Diary of Italian Cinema
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 1667
Re: Titanus. Family Diary of Italian Cinema
Hope you will enjoy it!

Hope you will enjoy it!
- Do 6. Nov 2014, 19:47
- Forum: Trash, Nunploitation, Sleaze, Agenten und Superhelden, Diverse
- Thema: Titanus. Family Diary of Italian Cinema
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 1667
Re: Titanus. Family Diary of Italian Cinema
Film Comment: "The Titanus retrospective was a gold mine for cinephiles, full of films each deserving an in-depth look (and, in certain cases, rediscovery)". http://www.filmcomment.com/entry/festivals-locarnos-titanus-retrospective https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t...