Im Niemandsland der Liebe
In einer prächtigen Retrospektive widmete sich das Filmfest in Locarno der italienischen Produktionsfirma Titanus.
http://epaper.sueddeutsche.de/app/servi ... 1408572000
The Retrospective for the 67th edition of the Festival del film Locarno (6–16 August 2014) has been dedicated to the Italian most important production studio, Titanus. Numerous European and American institutions will repeat the program: the Cineteca di Bologna, the Cineteca Nazionale (National Film Archive) in Rome, the National Cinema Museum in Turin, the Cinémathèque suisse, the Cinémas du Grütli in Geneva, the Filmpodium in Zurich, the Film Society of Lincoln Center in New York, the American Cinematheque and the USC School of Cinematic Arts in Los Angeles.
The retrospective is also accompanied by an English-friendly book, already available on Amazon.it.
The book covers Italian cinema evolution from 1904 to 2014, ranging from early silent cinema to post-modern television, featuring original essays, interviews and production papers. Despite being focused on Italian most important major company, we have chosen an auterist perspective, investigating how directors' and producers' contributions melt together during the 1945-1964 golden age of Italian cinema.
Some highlights from the book:
> Neapolitan silents
> Matarazzo's melodramas
> Mastro5's revue films and musical extravaganzas
> Risi and Comencini's early comedies
> Tourneur and Corbucci's peplums
> Ava Gardner's Italian films
> nouvelle vague Italian style (Olmi, Zurlini, Petri)
> confessions of Visconti's editor
> Aldrich's Sodom and Gomorrah backstory
> De Santis on The Wolves director's cut
> memo from producer Goffredo Lombardo
> unfilmed projects
> 150+ photos
> essays by Roberto Turigliatto, Simone Starace, Bernard Eisenschitz, Sergio Toffetti, Sergio M. Germani, Miguel Marías, Chris Fujiwara, Olaf Möller, Jean Douchet, Stefania Parigi.