Tomas Milian - The Tough Bandit, the Rough... - Compilation

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Tomas Milian - The Tough Bandit, the Rough... - Compilation

Beitrag von Arkadin »



1 Stelvio Cipriani - Squadra Volante
2 Guido And Maurizio De Angelis - E Nun Ce Vojo Sta (Vocals – Alberto Griso)
3 Bruno Canfora - Il Trucido E Lo Sbirro
4 Giorgio Cascio - La Ballata Del Trucido
5 Carlo Rustichelli - Roma Stasera (Vocals – Lando Fiorini)
6 Gianfranco Plenizio - Liberi, Armati, Pericolosi Sequenza 1
7 Goblin Featuring Asha Puthli - The Whip
8 Goblin - Sicilian Samba
9 Riz Ortolani - Quei Giorni Insieme A Te (Vocals – Ornella Vanoni)
10 Riz Ortolani - Tomas Theme
11 Mecco Guidi - The Filthy Rat
12 Franco Micalizzi - Hot Spots
13 Franco Micalizzi - Affanno
14 Franco Micalizzi - Roma A Mano Armata
15 Guido And Maurizio De Angelis - Squadra Antiscippo
16 Guido And Maurizio De Angelis - E Nun Ce Vojo Sta
17 Goblin - E Lassame Perde (Vocals – Aldo Donati)
18 Mario Nascimbene - La Banda Casaroli
Cd included in a 140 Coloured Pages - Hard Cover book.Track 1 taken from the movie 'Squadra Volante' Tracks 2, 16 taken from the movie 'Squadra Antifurto', Track 3 taken from the movie 'Il Trucido E Lo Sbirro'<br>Track 4 taken from the movie 'La Banda Del Trucido' Track 5 taken from the movie 'Assassinio Sul Tevere' Track 6 taken from the movie 'Liberi, Armati, Pericolosi' Tracks 7, 8 taken from the movie 'Squadra Antigangster' Track 9 taken from the movie 'Non Si Sevizia Un Paperino' Track 10 taken from the movie 'Il Consigliori' Track 11 is a tribute track Track 12 taken from the movie 'La Banda Del Gobbo'<br>Tracks 13, 14 taken from the movie 'Roma A Mano Armata' Track 15 taken from the movie 'Squadra Antiscippo' Track 17 taken from the movie 'Squadra Antimafia' Track 18 taken from the movie 'La Banda Casaroli'
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