Der Vampir von Schloß Frankenstein - José Luis Madrid (1970)

Moderator: jogiwan

dr. freudstein
Beiträge: 14486
Registriert: Sa 19. Dez 2009, 19:55

Der Vampir von Schloß Frankenstein - José Luis Madrid (1970)

Beitrag von dr. freudstein »


Originaltitel: El Vampiro de la Autopista

Alternativtitel: The Horrible Sexy Vampire, La Manie di Mr. Winninger omicida sessuale, Der Vampir von Schloss Frankenstein, The vampire of the highway

Herstellungsland: Spanien / 1970

Darsteller: Val Davis, Barta Barri, Joe Camroy, Susan Carvasal, Victor Davis, José Marco Davó u.a.

Some kind of sadist, but not human, is murdering people. A doctor is convinced that the killings are the evil workings of a reclusive odd baron who died many years ago.

dr. freudstein
Beiträge: 14486
Registriert: Sa 19. Dez 2009, 19:55

Re: Der Vampir von Schloß Frankenstein - José Luis Madrid

Beitrag von dr. freudstein »

Projektions - Dia Deutschland


Titel falsch: Schloss statt Schloß
Beiträge: 10909
Registriert: Sa 26. Dez 2009, 12:40

Re: Der Vampir von Schloß Frankenstein - José Luis Madrid

Beitrag von CamperVan.Helsing »

Ist der mal auf deutsch erschienen?
My conscience is clear

(Fred Olen Ray)
Beiträge: 39737
Registriert: So 13. Dez 2009, 10:19
Wohnort: graz / austria

Re: Der Vampir von Schloß Frankenstein - José Luis Madrid

Beitrag von jogiwan »

erscheint demnächst von Mondo Macabro
A series of murders is being committed. Both men and women are victims of a mystery assassin. The police think it is the work of a serial killer. The coroner is not sure it is so simple. He has been studying the case and has discovered that for nearly a hundred years in the same district people have been killed in the same way and according to a very distinct time pattern.
To the astonishment of the investigating officer, the coroner says he believes the killings to be the work of a supernatural creature - a vampire.
Soon a stranger arrives in the area, claiming to be the sole descendent of the long dead baron who was believed to be a vampire. He accompanies the police into the burial vaults of the ancient castle, where a dreadful sight awaits them.
Something of a holy grail for fans of European horror cinema, and notorious for its frequent scenes of nudity, the film has been unavailable for many years. This is a world premier Blu-ray release. Filmed in Germany in the snowy winter of 1969, the film has a unique and morbid atmosphere and features an astonishing performance from Jess Franco favorite Wal Davis as both vampire and victim.
Region Free
Brand new digitally restored 4K scan of 35mm vault materials
Choice of English or Spanish audio with optional English subtitles
Brand new audio commentary by David Flint and Adrian J Smith
Animated press book and publicity stills
Slipover (art to be unveiled later); 24 page full color booklet by Ismael Fernandez; set of 5 double sided art cards; 1200 numbered copies in the usual red case
01.jpg (132.12 KiB) 289 mal betrachtet
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