Originaltitel: Lettera aperta a un giornale della sera
Herstellungsland-/jahr: ITA 1970
Regie: Francesco Maselli
Darsteller: Daniele Costantini, Nino Dal Fabbro, Laura De Marchi, Daniele Dublino, Fabienne Fabre,
Piero Faggioni, Graziella Galvani, Lorenza Guerrieri, Nicole Karen, Tanya Lopert, Titina Maselli,
Monica Strebel,...
Story: Hoping to shake up the complacent Italian Communist Party, a group of leftist radicals sends an incendiary letter to a major evening newspaper declaring their intention to volunteer to fight American troops in Vietnam as a political statement against the war. When the newspaper actually prints the letter, drawing public attention to the situation, the provocateurs face the hard choice whether their commitment to the cause is worth risking their lives.
(quelle: amazon.de)