Attori a Mano Armata (CD+Buch)

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Attori a Mano Armata (CD+Buch)

Beitrag von Arkadin »

Sehr schönes, feines Büchlein mit einer super Compilation-CD.
Gab's in dem Laden auch für 9,90.


Book of 64 pages with posters and movie stills + CD.

Track listing

1. il grande racket
music by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis - from the movie: il grande racket (1976)
2. montreal non stop
music by Luis Enriquez Bacalov - from the movie: l'ultima chance (1973)
3. desperation and money
music by G. P. Chiti & S. Montori - from the movie: la banda vallanzasca (1977)
4. the summertime killer
music by Luis Enriquez Bacalov - from the movie: ricatto alla mala (1971)
5. folk and violence
music by Franco Micalizzi - from the movie: napoli violenta (1976)
6. tira 'a rezza oj piscatore
vocals by Raoul - from the movie: napoli violenta (1976)
7. napoli si ribella
music by Franco Campanino - from the movie: napoli si ribella (1977)
8. inseguimento e fuga #2
music by Ennio Morricone - from the movie: revolver (1973)
9. the new face of naples
music by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis - from the movie: con la rabbia agli occhi (1976)
10. dinamica della fuga
music by Bruno Zambrini - from the telefilm: quì squadra mobile (1973)
11. papaya
music by Stelvio Cipriani - from the movie: la polizia chiede aiuto (1974)
12. gangster story
music by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis - from the movie: la polizia incrimina, la legge assolve (1974)
13. speed machine
music by Stelvio Cirpiani - from the movie: poliziotto sprint (1977)
14. the climber
music by Franco Campanino, vocals by Jessy - from the movie: l'ambizioso (1975)
15. sangue di sbirro
music by Alessandro Alessandroni - from the movie: sangue di sbirro (1977)
16. kidnap
music by Piero Piccioni - from the movie: fatevi vivi la polizia non interverrà (1974)
17. giulia 1600
music by Mecco Guidi - cinedelic records, 2007
18. hold up (m22)
music by Franco Micalizzi - from the movie: hold up - istantanea di una rapina (1974)
19. l'intoccabile mr. cliff
music by Riz Ortolani - from the movie: si può essere più bastardi dell'ispettore cliff? (1973)
20. preludio
music by Luis Enriquez Bacalove performed by Osanna - from the movie: milano calibro 9 (1972)
21. goodbye my friend
music by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis, vocals by Susy & Guy - from the movie: il cittadino si ribella (1974)
22. la polizia chiede aiuto
music by Stelvio Cipriani - from the movie: la polizia chiede aiuto (1974)
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Onkel Joe
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Registriert: Sa 28. Nov 2009, 08:40

Re: Attori a Mano Armata (CD+Buch)

Beitrag von Onkel Joe »

Tolles Teil, hatte ich bei erscheinen gekauft.Hat mich da zwar 22,- euro inkl. Versand gekostet aber das ist und war es mir wert ;) .
Wer tanzen will, muss die Musik bezahlen!